Experience an Abdominal Therapy Massage Treatment at Premier to address a multitude of concerns and dysfunction. Our highly skilled and professionally trained Licensed Massage Therapist, Ciara has a passion for a holistic approach in women’s health.

Our Abdominal Therapy Massage treatments can provide relief, support and aid in both reproductive and digestive health concerns. By focusing on breaking up adhesions, increasing blood flow and circulation, as well as reducing inflammation, balance is restored to the body and thus aids in better health.

Benefits for Women:

Breaks Down Scar Tissue and Adhesions

Helps to Dissolve Cysts

Reduces Pelvic Pain

Helps to restore Regular Menstrual Cycles

Prepares the body for pregnancy, reducing the likelihood of miscarriage.

Reduces Menstrual Cramps, Clotting and Heavy Bleeding

Increases blood flow to Reproductive and Digestive System

Reduces blockages in Fallopian Tubes

Aids in Digestion

Reduces Constipation

Recommendations and Indications:

Treatments are recommended 2x a month over the course of 3 months to improve overall function.

Treatments need to be avoided during active menstrual bleeding but can be done prior to and following the end of your cycle.

Individual treatments are $160 and book enough time for a thorough intake and treatment.

Treatment packages are available in packs of 6 for $750

If you are in the Aurora, Naperville, Plainfield, Oswego or Fox Valley Area and are struggling with Digestive or Reproductive health concerns, come to Premier and let us help you with our abdominal massage treatments.